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Getting ItemChecked property

The ItemChecked property uses Record as a way to get the data.

I have a view by group, which is collapsed, and I expand one group.
Then set the check box to ON for all items in that group.
Then close that group, and open another group.

The OLE.List property only returns the current visible expanded group, and not all data in the table.. which confused me.

The RecordList and variants don't show the Checked property within the returned table.

I then used the Recordlist to get the number of rows, and for/next look for the row to get the checked property

This does not return the expected results, due to (I believe) the collapsed nature of the view.

So, what I am after is the best way to get the ItemChecked property, regardless of whether the view is collapsed etc.




  • The ReportTable works makes a firm distinction between records and rows. Records represent the data as it is stored in memory. Records are static in that the first record is still the first record regardless of visibility or sorting. Rows, on the other hand, represent the current view.

    If you have a row index and want it's record index, use RowToRecord. There is also a RecordToRow method if you need to map the other direction. So, if you want the checked state of row 2, then you'd do this: Record = Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_REPORTTABLE", "OLE.RowToRecord", 2) IsChecked = Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_REPORTTABLE", "OLE.ItemChecked[1;":Record:"]") As you discovered, the various List properties deal with rows, whereas the RecordList property deals with records. You said the checked values were not appearing in the RecordList. Did you set the checkbox to be the data source for that column? (See ColumnDataSource)
  • Kevin, Thanks for that.
    I keep looking to the Properties, and could not figure out how to do it.
    Then realised what you mentioned here is a SEND_MESSAGE, confused me totally, as I was expecting that the Row for a Record and vice-versa would be a property.

    Clarity afterwards is a great thing.
    Sorry for your time, but hopefully others looking to this will also find the same post for the solution, and even me in a few months when I forget again.

  • No need to apologize. The forums are for questions, and it's always nice (for me) when they don't lead to bugs. :-)
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