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Scroll bar issue

I have downloaded and the scroll bar issues still exist.

The issue arises with this table as I have many hidden rows, see screen attached.
For example I have
Group Process Process Group Process Process etc All the Group lines are visible, and all the Process lines are invisible.
Clicking on the area above the scroll bar handle when at the very bottom causes this.
It is also getting confused with the click below the scroll bar handle causing it to scroll up.
it is definitely to do with the hidden rows, and calculations involved in the scroll bar.


  • I cannot recreate this issue, so there must be something specific about your setup that I am failing to mimic. Can you email me your setup code for the table? I don't need code for populating it's data. I can simulate that well enough. I only need the code that you use to setup the table during the form's CREATE event.
  • Kevin

    Code is below for the create event.
    The population of this includes many hidden rows.
    Let me know if you need anything else.
    I can save an image of the data being populated if you like, and Email


    Comparison Table

    MaxColumns=45 Ctrl=COMPARISON_TABLE Qualifier=1:@FM:"2*ICEMATE*OLE*":Ctrl Call Send_Message(Ctrl,"QUALIFY_EVENT","ALL_OLES",Qualifier) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.AllowDeletions",1) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.FunctionKey[F2]","EDIT") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.SuppressMouseMoveEvent",1) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderAlignment[All;All]","C":@FM:"C") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderColumn[1]",0:@fm:0) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.AutoNumbers","I":@VM:1:@FM:"N") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.DblClickToEdit",0) Call Send_Message(Ctrl,"OLE.InsertColumns",-1,MaxColumns) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderRowCount",2) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderRow[1]",16:@fm:1) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderRow[2]",16:@fm:1) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.FreezePos",CScrollLock:@fm:0) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.ScrollStep",2:@fm:2) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.NewRowCount",0) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderMultilined[All;All]",1) FOR I=1 TO MaxColumns POS=ColumnPositions(I) IF POS THEN ColCode =SYS_PARAMS<131,POS> Heading =SYS_PARAMS<132,POS> PPWidth =SYS_PARAMS<133,POS> SelWidth=SYS_PARAMS<134,POS> ELWidth =SYS_PARAMS<135,POS> Align =SYS_PARAMS<136,POS> Heading1=FIELD(HEADING,"|",1) Heading2=FIELD(HEADING,"|",2) IF StatLevel="Element" THEN Width=ELWidth ELSE Width=PPWidth IF StatLevel="Project" AND POS=ColumnPositions(4) THEN Width=0 If Width=0 then Visible=0 else Visible=1 Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.DataColumn[":Pos:"]",Width:@FM:Visible:@FM:1:@FM:0:@FM:SelWidth) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderText[":Pos+1:";1]",Heading1) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderText[":Pos+1:";2]",Heading2) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.HeaderMerge[":Pos+1:";1]",1:@fm:2) Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellAlignment[":Pos:";All]","C":@FM:Align:@FM:"L") END NEXT I Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellProtection[ALL;All]","SEL") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellProtection[":CompCol_Included:";All]","NONE") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellProtection[":CompCol_IncludedCarb:";All]","NONE") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellProtection[":CompCol_Comments:";All]","NONE") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellType[":CompCol_Included:";All]","CHB") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.CellType[":CompCol_IncludedCarb:";All]","CHB") Call Set_Property(Ctrl,"OLE.ResetSelPos",0)
  • Okay, this is much more data driven than I expected. If it's not too much to ask, can you create a stand-alone window that recreates this issue then email it to me in an RDK?
  • Done, Email sent with RDK and data to replicate.
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