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No navigation border in first column

edited January 2016 in SRP EditTable Control
When in navigation mode, there is usually a thick border around the current cell. Eg

But with version 3.0.5 of the control, the border does not appear when the current cell is in the first column. Eg

This doesn't occur in version 3.0.4. I've tested this on both Windows XP and 8.1 desktops.
These cells do have an Options button with an image - that may be a factor.
Is this a regression?

Cheers, M@


  • Matt,

    Are you using a separated SRP EditTable control or the SRP Controls Pro?
  • Hi Don,

    I'm using the separated SRP EditTable control, v3.0.5.
  • Bump - just wondering if I'm the only one seeing this with the new version of SRPEditTable.ocx ?

    Cheers, M@
  • Matt,

    Sorry for the delay. I was waiting for others on my staff to comment. I have not yet tested this with the separate control. With the Pro control I am not seeing this. However, there may be other particulars with your setup that do not match my own. For instance:
    • What happens if you remove the option button? Does the border continue to remain thin?
    • What happens if you go into edit mode and then press ESC to go back to navigation mode? Does the thick border come back or does it remain thin?
  • Curious! - I get the same thing happening even if I remove the option button. So I guess that's a red herring.
    ESCaping from edit mode has no effect - the first column remains borderless.

    However, I do get a border in the first data column if I don't hide the row buttons!

    Call Set_Property( SRPet, 'OLE.HeaderColumn[1]', @fm: 0) ;* Remove Row Button column
  • Matt,

    I think you identified the critical issue: hiding the header column. I now see the problem on my end. I have logged this into our issue tracking system as OLE-83. Someone will post back to this thread with an update or resolution.
  • Matt,

    This has been fixed for next release. It was a bug related to logic attempting to make drawing more efficient through clipping, and in this case, it was clipping out the entire border.
  • Good stuff - thanks Guys! Looking forward to the next release.

    Cheers, M@
  • Hi Don,

    We are now getting ready to deploy another version of our product. I'd love to include the next release that fixes this problem (as well as the other fixes since v3.0.4, which we are still stuck with). Is there any chance this might be released in the next month?

    Cheers, M@
  • Matt,

    I am rather confident we can get a new official control released. Kevin is away on assignment so this limits our ability to roll stuff out as quickly as we would like. I will get with him to confirm.
  • Great - thanks Don.
  • Matt,

    I was able to confer with Kevin this evening. Our original plan was to complete work on a new control which has not formally been revealed before releasing a new version of our controls. However, since this might be delayed due to Kevin's current assignment, we are planning on releasing an interim version that will include the pending fixes and perhaps a few more that are related to his current project work. We anticipate making this available within a week or two.
  • Great stuff - thanks very much for this, Don! I appreciate the interim version :-)

    Cheers, M@
  • Hi Don, Kevin -

    I've just installed the new versions of SRPcore.ocs (3.0.9) and SRPeditTable.ocx (3.0.6), and can say that the above issue is resolved (and a horizontal scrolling issue). Great - thanks!

    However the dropdown icon for a COmBo CellType seems to be corrupted:

    (Is there a way to override the dropdown icon for CellType COB ?)

    Cheers, M@
  • There is a way to override the icon, but I'm not convinced it will look any better. Something clearly didn't compile correctly. I'm looking into it now.
  • Try downloading them again now and see if it's fixed. I think it was just a bad compile.
  • Great - thanks for the quick response. All looking good now.

    Cheers, M@
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