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Cell with ...

I have cells with data that is wider that the cell, which I use to hold information.
Appears the cells must have a 'more type of default that is showing ... I am assuming t denate that the cell holds more data.
I need to turn this off. How do I do that.?


  • There is currently no feature that allows you to turn this off. We felt it was good design to inform the user that there was more content than was visible. Hovering over the cell, however, shows a tooltip that gives them the complete text. Entering into edit mode also lets them see the whole contents.

    If the ellipses is causing misbehavior, on the other hand, then don't hesitate to explain further so I can fix it.
  • Is is obviously working properly.
    I am changing an OI EdiTable that has been working and I am carrying extra data(separated by a number of spaces and a |) in the cell that I need when the user DblClks in a cell(now hyperlink).
    I really didn't want to change this method as it is working.
    But, I suppose if I have to then I will need to create another hidden table to carry those values.

  • Have you considered?
    Just using the same table but have the extra data in adjacent hidden columns?
    That way when the hyperlink is clicked you can just extract the data from the same row but the next column or three along and the user will never be any the wiser.

    Use the datacolumn property field two to hide a column
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