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AddControls, Groups, Tabs

Just some clarification please.

If I have new tabs, groups and controls to add to an existing ribbon the procedure would be...

Call AddTabs and that will suffice providing the xml contains all the new stuff.

If all the tabs currently exist and I only have new groups and controls then I would

Call AddGroups and the xml will contain the new groups and their controls and we're done.

If all tabs and groups currently exist and I only have new controls then I would

Call AddControls where the xml refers to the existing groups but only for the purpose of identifying where the new controls belong.

Assuming I've understood that correctly, what if I go the other way?

Back to the start and I have new tabs, groups and controls to add.

If I call AddControls and the xml contains all the tabs, groups and controls info, does the whole lot get added or will it not work because any references to tabs and groups in the AddControls method assumes they exist already?


  • Close. If you want to add tabs, groups, and controls all in one call, then you use AddTabs. It will accept all the group and control xml.
  • Close. If you want to add tabs, groups, and controls all in one call, then you use AddTabs. It will accept all the group and control xml.
    So that confirms this part
    Call AddTabs and that will suffice providing the xml contains all the new stuff.
    which is great because that means I've understood that method.

    Admittedly asking without trying but what happens if you call the AddControls method and the xml contains references to groups or tabs that don't currently exist? Do they get added or does it all get ignored?

    Just trying to ensure my understanding before I get coding. How much do I need to know about the current state of the ribbon before I modify it and then I can determine which approach would be the most efficient in which scenario.

    Thanks for any insight.
  • You are correct in assuming that AddControls assumes the groups and tabs already exist. AddGroups assumes the tabs already exists. If the tabs or groups do not exist, nothing happens and the controls are not added.
  • Thank you. The fog has lifted.
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