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OI Crash


I was getting OI crashing, and I thought it might be OI8 causing the issue, but have now upgraded to OI 9.4 and still getting the problem, so decided to trace further.

I have a complex screen with 200 columns, using the ribbon with various options to limit the visible columns.
The table columns shown are based on a shortcut bar selection to display the data from a selected data table.

I traced the issue to these two lines
Call Send_Message(OLE_TABLE,"OLE.DeleteColumns",1,100)
Call Send_Message(OLE_TABLE,"OLE.InsertColumns",1,ColumnCount)

The cause was that I was not deleting all columns from the table, as I added a nominal 100 columns to delete, but the view for one database grew to the 200 columns. A sunbsequent Delete and Insert Columns command then causes the crash.
Resolved easily by increasing the number of columns to delete, to ensure all are removed.


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