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The Red "X"

edited July 2016 in SRP Editor
OI v9.4; Win7 PRO; Editor v2.7.1.
36 line function (stored procedure) in OI, compiled, got the red "X", error message "1 error; sys1105 Compile Er..." and nothing else, cut/paste same code in RTIs System Editor ++, error was INSERT$ access error, FS401; my include stated was referencing a table that did not exist (typo). I would have thought SRP's error would have produced this type of error message. After fixing typo, all was well, but had to use RTI's editor to determine the error during compilation. This was the incorrect line "$INSERT DIV_INCLUDES,CONSTANTS" should have been "$INSERT KDIV_INCLUDES,CONSTANTS"


  • The SRP Editor actually relies upon the underlying Revelation procedures to identify compiler errors. We then run it through our own filter to weed out data that we know is a false positive. However, there are still some circumstances that come up where the SRP Editor doesn't report an error as accurately as it should.

    I have duplicated the issue you just reported so we will include it in our list of items to look into. I suspect we never saw this before because it is rare for OI stored procedures to reference inserts from tables other than SYSPROCS.
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