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Window PAGE event
Is there any code around to control the PAGE event.
-Change the tab to match the page
-Dont PAGE to a disabled tab
-Find the next enabled tab forward of the disabled tab what was PAGEd to. If not stay where you are.
-Change the tab to match the page
-Dont PAGE to a disabled tab
-Find the next enabled tab forward of the disabled tab what was PAGEd to. If not stay where you are.
This all has to be managed in your BASIC+ code. The SRP Tab control itself is not "aware" of the form it is on in any special way to help automate this. So here are a few tips:
They do, (why wouldn't they)
I have compiled the PAGE event with return 0 for the time being, to stop it paging.
See if the users complain then I will worry about it.