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SRP_TcpClient Non-Numeric Error

edited March 2018 in SRP Utilities
Trying to receive data from TCP client, getting following non-numeric error line 75 of SRP_TcpClient (see attachment)

Works fine if i just receive only but that doesnt work...but if I send then receive, throws the error, help?

oh and dll is v1.5.9

// Connect to a local socket, send data, receive data, and then close TcpClientHandle = 0 BytesToRead = 10 BytesActuallyRead = 0 If SRP_TcpClient(TcpClientHandle, "CONNECT", "", "80") then // Send the string SRP_TcpClient(TcpClientHandle, "SEND", "GET /") // Receive the bytes Data = SRP_TcpClient(TcpClientHandle, "RECEIVE", BytesToRead, BytesActuallyRead) // Close SRP_TcpClient(TcpClientHandle, "CLOSE") end


  • edited February 2017
    Hmmm, that line doesn't line up with my source code, but I'm going to assume it's failing on RECEIVE. Here is the entirety of the RECEIVE service's code:

    Buffer = Str(\00\, Param1) Param2 = SRPUtilitiesAPI_TcpClientReceive(Object, GetPointer(Buffer), Param1) Ans = Buffer[1, Param2]

    Based on your code, there are two spots where this error would occur. The first is line 1, but that only happens if your BytesToRead variable is somehow not set to a number. The other spot is line 2, but that only happens if SRPUtilitiesAPI_TcpClientReceive returns something other than a number. Since C++ is typed, SRPUtilitiesAPI_TcpClientReceive will always return an integer. However, OI will sometimes throw this error if there is a DLL version mismatch. I hope this info provides guidance as to where to look. Perhaps just a re-install of SRP Utilities just to make sure everything is synced up?

    I tested this on my end using SocketTest 3.0, and I can't get the same error to occur.
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