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Edittable / Button lostfocus

Hello, I was wondering if somebody could please help?

I am having trouble capturing the lostfocus event when a user clicks on a SRP Button from a SRP edittable.
The buttons select the page but the entry just keyed does not get validated and is lost as the lostfocus is not fired.
I also have the PageUp/Dn as menu softkeys with the option to fire the lostfocus event but again this does not happen.
Reading another post, this could be by design? Is there a work around I could apply please?



  • I moved this post to the property category.

    What is the style of the SRP Button? Some styles don't allow the control to "get" focus so this might be why you are not "losing" focus with the SRP EditTable.
  • Thanks Don,
    I am actually using an array of SRP buttons and I wasnt setting a Style but I was setting the CellProtection to FUL. Removing this protection allowed the edittable lostfocus to fire. Now I am working on getting the PageDn and PageUp menu softkeys firing the lostfocus.

    Thanks and Regards
    Phil Wing
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