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can't insert images into cell
I setup ImageList and ItemImage properties but still can't insert images into cell, and I saw a previous post who had the similar issue and fixed it by changing the FixedRowHeight, which I tried but still doesn't work
I setup ImageList and ItemImage properties but still can't insert images into cell, and I saw a previous post who had the similar issue and fixed it by changing the FixedRowHeight, which I tried but still doesn't work
ImageList<1> = "C:\path\print.bmp":@VM:4:@VM:"Auto"
set_property(theControl, "OLE.ImageList", ImageList)
set_property(theControl, "OLE.ItemImage[":myIndex$:";1]", 1)
just want to make the first record to have the image for testing
Equ Dflt_ImageList$ to '.\images\rtstatus.png':@fm:31
Set_Property(CtrlEntID, 'OLE.Imagelist', Dflt_ImageList$) ; * Set the imagelist so all report tables have access to the same status icons by default
If you want images within the table itself you need to look at the ColumnDataSource property
This tells the reporttable that this column has images instead of or as well as text.
Then you just use the various list properties to update the image by passing the integer that points to the imagelist frame you want to use.
You could also use the itemimage property but the column still needs to know beforehand to expect images
I have tried that, still doesn't work, my code is like:
ImageList = ''
ImageList<1> = "C:\1-print.bmp":@FM:1
set_property(reportTable,"OLE.ColumnDataSource[":index$:"]", "Image")
then I use:
data = ''
data'<'rowNumber, index$'>' = 1 //forget about the single quote, otherwise could not display properly
set_property(reportTable, 'OLE.List', data)
set_property(reportTable, "OLE.ItemImage[":index$:";":rowNumber:"]", 1)
data = ''
set_property(reportTable, 'OLE.List', data)
both not working
Ctrl = @Window:".OLE_REPORT" // Set the images Set_Property(Ctrl, "OLE.ImageList", "BMPS\bmreport.bmp":@FM:10:@FM:RGB(255, 0, 255)) // Set up four columns Columns = "" Columns<-1> = "State" :@VM:"T":@VM:80 Columns<-1> = "County" :@VM:"T":@VM:80 Columns<-1> = "Subject":@VM:"T":@VM:150 Columns<-1> = "Number" :@VM:"N":@VM:80:@VM:@VM:@VM:@VM:@VM:@VM:@VM:"Right":@VM:@VM:"$#,##0.000":@VM:1:@VM:@VM:@VM:"R" Set_Property(Ctrl, "OLE.ColumnList", Columns) // Column-specific properties must be set after creating columns Set_Property(Ctrl, "OLE.ColumnDataSource[1]", "ImageAndText") // Load a bunch of data, which includes images in the first column Data = "" Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Klamath":@VM:"Under 5 years":@VM:4000:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Klamath":@VM:"5 to 9 years":@VM:3964:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Klamath":@VM:"10 to 14 years":@VM:4179:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Klamath":@VM:"15 to 19 years":@VM:4605:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Klamath":@VM:"20 to 24 years":@VM:4271:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Klamath":@VM:"25 to 29 years":@VM:3607:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Jackson":@VM:"Under 5 years":@VM:11942:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Jackson":@VM:"5 to 9 years":@VM:11775:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Jackson":@VM:"10 to 14 years":@VM:12582:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Jackson":@VM:"15 to 19 years":@VM:13249:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Jackson":@VM:"20 to 24 years":@VM:12176:@FM Data := 5:@SVM:"Oregon":@VM:"Jackson":@VM:"25 to 29 years":@VM:11908:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Orange":@VM:"Under 5 years":@VM:191691:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Orange":@VM:"5 to 9 years":@VM:198769:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Orange":@VM:"10 to 14 years":@VM:210195:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Orange":@VM:"15 to 19 years":@VM:227689:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Orange":@VM:"20 to 24 years":@VM:213601:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Orange":@VM:"25 to 29 years":@VM:215362:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Sacramento":@VM:"Under 5 years":@VM:101063:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Sacramento":@VM:"5 to 9 years":@VM:98112:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Sacramento":@VM:"10 to 14 years":@VM:99820:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Sacramento":@VM:"15 to 19 years":@VM:105680:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Sacramento":@VM:"20 to 24 years":@VM:101908:@FM Data := 6:@SVM:"California":@VM:"Sacramento":@VM:"25 to 29 years":@VM:107922 Set_Property(Ctrl, "OLE.List", Data) // Put an image into the column header Set_Property(Ctrl, "OLE.ColumnImage[1]", 1) // Item-specific properties can only be used after items have been added to the table Set_Property(Ctrl, "OLE.ItemImage[1;1]", 7)
I tried but can only add the image in the column header not in the cell, which is the same problem I have, below is a screenshot:
You can see that the print image is added to the column header but not in the first cell?
by the way, I was thinking the image might too big so I resized the image to be very tiny, but still doesn't display the image in the cell