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SRP Math error

Using SRP Math to add numbers, and it is truncating trailing zeros.
See example, value in PART_TOTAL was 600000000, which resulted in a value of 6.
I changed in the code to 600010000 to test, and the result was 60001

I downloaded the latest 2.01 version just to check and this was the same.
A bit worried now, will have to revert to the normal OI math.


  • Thanks Kevin, works OK.
    Was that RC6 already available, or was this a new issue?
    Also, do you have any test scripts that you run on the maths functions, as its pretty critical that we have confidence.
  • This was a new issue. I do have a suite of unit tests that I run, but they were passing. It's difficult to get total coverage with a Math utility given the infinite permutations. I can assure you that the issue had nothing to do with the arithmetic itself. The problem was that the third party library sometimes appends extra zeroes when converting to a string, and I was trying to undo that artifact... but my code was overzealous.
  • OK cool, thanks
    It works so I am happy to release.
  • Don't they say zealousy's a curse?

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