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equivalent "break" keyword
lets say we have
for i = 1 to 5
if condition then
//I wanna jump to next iteration,
Next i
for i = 1 to 5
if condition then
//I wanna jump to next iteration,
Next i
I offered one solution using a GoTo label (although I'm normally anti-GoTo):
Log = '' a = 1 Loop if a >= 5 AND a <= 6 then a += 1 Goto Continue end Log := 'a = ' : a : @FM a += 1 Continue: Until a = 20 Repeat Log[-1, 1] = ''
Bob Carten offered a solution using the Case statement:
done = false$ loop readnext k begin case case <cond1> done =1 case <cond2> * CONTINUE case otherwise$ < do more stuff> end case until done repeat
for i = 1 to 5 if condition else // do my stuff? end Next i
I'll avoid any Gotos, breaks, or even premature Returns within block, like the plaque! (Probably because I was trained way back to deduct marks on student 101 assignments for doing that kind of stuff ;)
for i = 1 to 5 if needToJumpToNextIteration else GoSub do_my_stuff end Next i
I'm not convinced that familiar syntax is a reasonable motive for ignoring good practice. Perhaps that's why the original OI forum post was so lively.