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OLE controls (.ocx/.dll) ActiveX
I am trying to install the .ocx files for use in OI, I copied SRPutil.ocx and SRPControls.ocx to my OI directory, I installed my new license (*.srplic) into the OI directory, I regsvr32 both OCX controls in the OI directory, brought up OI, went into the Editor and checked ActiveX via the Help/About, but all the controls are listed as "eval", how do I install these controls? I have two .dlls as well, SRPLicense and SRPUtilities, are these dlls still used/needed in the OI root? I also have some legacy *.ocx and *.dll (SRPShared.dll; SRPCore.ocx and actually *.ocx for each OLE control from a long time ago). After upgrades were made to the ActiveX controls, I understand all *.ocx that is needed is SRPUtil/SRPControls, is that true? Should both *.dlls be in the OI root? Time for some housekeeping in the OI root. Thx
Malwarebytes is giving you a false positive.
I downloaded the 32bit version. I deleted the *.exe version from your link above that was infected. I copied the 32bit version from the URL you had posted for Colin (listed below) and it worked, see attached.
I do not want to download the SRP editor again, as with all the troubles I have had since I upgraded to v3.0.2, I do not want anymore issues.
If you click the URL below, you will see the conversation between you and Colin and two hyperlinks for the SRP_ActiveX_Info, both of those downloads passed virus/malware protection checks. Your hyperlink above is not healthy, I tried downloading from three different workstations, Win10 and Win7 and each download was infected.
Based on the SRP ActiveX licensing dialogbox, I believe I have it working at this point. If you would confirm based on the screenshot, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I'm sorry you experienced headaches upgrading to the latest SRP Editor. The fact that the SRP Editor installer needed multiple refreshes to get it right is a failing for which I take full responsibility. I will do my utmost in the future to avoid such mistakes.