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SRP Crash
Getting this message all of a sudden
Any ideas please... urgent.

Any ideas please... urgent.

Then I did the rdk of the latest utilities and the message went away.
Did you do an update of the dll recently?
I didn't do any debugging to find the cause of the issue because it went away straight after updating the utilities code. To me, the sequence implies that the srp_rotate_array code has changed. That perhaps it use to call SRPReleaseArray and the latest version doesn't and therefore SRPReleaseArray was removed from the dll.
That could cause a mismatch, if you have a later dll and the older code.
If I'm on the right track, then perhaps you can roll back the dll until such time as you have the current code as well?
Unless of course, you haven't updated anything in which case...
I had to update this a a result of the Math issue, so am now stuck.
I cant find where the latest download is on the web site, any ideas where to go ?
I received a copy as an email as part of some other correspondence.
The link Mark pointed to above was 2.01 for the utilities, the latest release version.
The link provided for the SRP math issue was 2.02.RC6
I need to have the math problem resolved ie 2.02, but also the issue above with the crashing of the Rotate Array.
At present I cant use either, a we cant have the maths wrong, and clearly cant run the software if this command crashes.
I will have to roll back to an earlier version of the SRP utilities, but need to know which one I can go back to which is safe on both commands.
Pretty critical for today, so hopefully you can advise or resolve soon, ie before end of play for me today, so I have the option to roll back and provide an update to clients.
Maybe I needed to install these, but the download did not include the installer.
I have only been loosing tracking your issue in the forum. The best person to reply back would be either Kevin or Don and I am also mobile, so I can't easily test this. From my understanding, the Math bug you reported recently was fixed in 2.0.2 RC6 so that is the only version that has a fix in place for that bug. Rolling back will re-introduce that bug. The SRP_Rotate_Array issue is an unknown. So rolling back might fix that but we need to know more about how you are using it.
Regarding the Rev files in the folder, I believe those are the RDK files. I am not certain what Kevin sent you but normally the SRP Utilities consists of an RDK and the DLL. Rarely is the DLL the only piece of the fix a problem. I don't believe we have an installer made up for the 2.0.2 RC# version. I believe that is only done when we have a final released version. Again, this is just based loosely off of what I am gathering from the posts the past few days but I wanted to give you something to go on.
The Rotate array is used in many places, probably over 100 instances.
The example at the top is one, which is in the create event of my application so causes the whole thing to fail. Luckily we have not released this to all users, just one at present.
What in particular are you after in the way we are using this command, basically all the standard usage expected.
do an rdkinstall of the rev files.
That'll probably fix it.
Understood. I thought maybe this was something new. So I agreed with Mark, the RDKInstall should fix it. Kevin only worked on the Math section, so I don't see why the Rotate Array would be failing.
Colin, as Mark indicated, install the RDK and report back what you find. It seems highly unlikely a bug affecting SRP Rotate Array was introduced so I'm hopeful this is just a version mismatch issue...although to be honest, I'm surprised that this would be a problem even if there was a version mismatch. I think it depends on the version of SRP Utilities you were running prior to getting the latest RC version that fixed your math bug.
Installing the RDK resolved the issue, now have the maths and the sort array all going.
This all goes into SYSPROG, as expected.
When we update a client we create an RDK of our own application and send to the user, and install within the application tools we provide. Plus the DLL/OCX files etc go with it as needed.
Clearly this needs to include the SRP RDK entities.
When we create an RDK how do we know what SRP entities to include?
Is there any better way to do this.
Sort of obvious, but users wont be going anywhere near TCL to run the RDK install command, they have no concept of this.
You can open the SRP_UTILITIES Repository View item via the RDK main window within SYSPROG to see what it looks like. However, in your case I imagine you want to combine the contents of this Repository View with your own. Whatever the case, if you edit SYSPROG*SRP_UTILITIES record from the SYSREPOSVIEWS table using the editor, you can see the entire list of entities in field 11. Just copy those and paste them into your own Repository View record. You might need to do a little surgery to combine the same entity types that already exist in your Repository View.
We will have to change our internal procedures to deal with this.
We have Service Pack installs which are the RDK of our entities only, and a complete install/override, where there are external tools used, SRP is one of those, but there are others as well.
As such, all in hand.