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We have just been able to install and get SRP_SPELL_CHECK up and running but found out that when you click on the Change all it does not function properly. If it is the last set of wrong spelling and you click on Change All it does not change anything and is done checking. And if it is one of the first ones that you do Change All on then it does change the word but then shuts down and does not continue with the rest of the sentence. We are currently on OI 9.4.x and using windows 10 along with citrix.


  • edited November 2018
    Don will be emailing you a new RDK shortly. The RDK ships with source code to SRP_SPELL_CHECK in case you need to troubleshoot anything else. In this case, it was a simple loop error. It was looping one time too few.
  • Is this a Frameworks thing?
  • If you are asking if the SRP Spell Check utility is a FrameWorks thing, the answer is no. SRP Spell Check is a utility we wrote but have not advertised broadly due to the dependencies upon Microsoft Office OLE automation.
  • Hmm, interesting! We're using a third party 32bit DLL tool in OI 9.4, but we're going to have to find another solution going forward. I've considered MS Office OLE automation for this as we integrate this way already for other things. One issue for spelling though is consistency for text in the database across all workstations, and I worry that MS Office spellchecker settings may be different on different workstations. Is that something you've had to address yourself?
  • To be honest, we developed this product based on customer requests and have not really implemented it ourselves in any project. Of the sites who are running this, none of brought up this issue but it seems to me that the dictionary could vary from workstation to workstation.
  • Thanks Don and will try out the new rdk.
  • Don,

    There is one more question about the Change All. should it not just change the one miss spelled word if it is in multiple locations not all words that the user has not even had chance to say yes or no to. Right now it goes ahead and changes every wrong word.
  • It's current design is to change every misspelled word.
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