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How to detect when the value of a radio button changes

The radio button I have isn't triggering the changed event. In fact, there is no event associated with me selecting a new option.


  • I will just have to record the value of the radio button on the click, event and then post an event that runs after the click event to check if the value has changed...lol

  • or just set an @window variable, firstly on the create, set to the default value and then upon the click, just compare the current selection to the @window variable and then update the @windowvar with the current value.
    No need to post an additional event then, it's just a straight forward comparison.
  • edited May 2019
    hi, this doesn't work, as there is no click event associated with this control only a a gotfocus and lostfocus. Also, neither of these events tell you the new value. They contain the old value.

    Also, posting an event doesn't work, for reasons that i can't explain...
  • I will have to use a timer event i guess..., which is pretty ridiculous.
  • actually, don't worry. I was wrong. It does respond to the click event. all good.
  • There's no changed event but there is a click event. I'm working with one right now which is why I was able to answer promptly.
  • @AusMarkB when you mentioned an @Window variable, did you mean a User-Defined Property?
  • Yep but didn't want to make it too easy to understand by using proper terminology
  • I'll remember that the next time I answer one of your questions. ;-)
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