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Accessing tables on another server
Hello all.. I hope everyone is doing ok during the plague. Praying it passes soon.
I have a copy of OI running on a local box. No UD, Revparam is set to ServerOnly = 0. When I try to Listmedia or Attach an OI data folder on another server (ServerOnly = 0), I get this error msg:

I've never seen this error before and can find no documentation. Does anyone know what's up with this?
Thanks, and be safe..
I have a copy of OI running on a local box. No UD, Revparam is set to ServerOnly = 0. When I try to Listmedia or Attach an OI data folder on another server (ServerOnly = 0), I get this error msg:

I've never seen this error before and can find no documentation. Does anyone know what's up with this?
Thanks, and be safe..
I've copied OI systems before and have never run into this.
After it was copied, the Revparam for the OI copy was changed to ServerOnly = 0, as was the Revparam on the target volume.
Thank you sir!