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OLE Control
I have an OLE control added to a form I'm working on and I have it set to visible. When I run the form in OpenInsight 9.4 the OLE Control still isn't visible even after setting the background color, looking to add other controls such as combo boxes and static texts from a stored procedure. Anyone know why this may be happening?
Whenever you place the OLE control onto a form in the Form Designer tool, it will always appear invisible. This is because OI does not draw anything on the control. Thus, it can be hard to see unless you enabled the Border property (which you can do via the Properties dialog). I like to do this until I actually set the Prog ID of the 3rd party ActiveX control. Regardless, always remove the Border property before testing and deploying.
If you are new to OpenInsight, you might not have read any of the documentation on using OLE controls with OpenInsight. There is the documentation that Revelation provides, but you might also find our own Using OLE in OpenInsight whitepaper of use. It's an old paper, but still valid.
Assuming you have a basic understanding of the above, you will know that you have to put a Prog ID of the 3rd party ActiveX control in the Text property for the OLE control. The Prog ID for the SRP Panel control is SRP.Panel.1. Now, the SRP Panel control will not draw anything in the OLE control at design time, so it will still appear invisible. You can confirm that the SRP Panel control is being referenced correctly by double-clicking on the OLE control itself to bring up the Properties dialog. You will see the Ole Property grid at the bottom. It should list properties such as ActiveFrom, Background, Border, etc. You can enter a color in the Background property value here and this will show up in the Form Designer. Setting the Form Designer background color for OLE controls will never do anything.
If you get this far, then you have everything you need to begin writing the code that will add controls to your from at runtime.