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ole status bar position
While we are on the subject of 'minor' issues. 😜
In OI9 the form with an ole status bar sizes below the top of the taskbar or monitor if taskbar is 'auto hide'

In oi10 this aligns perfectly.
In OI9 the form with an ole status bar sizes below the top of the taskbar or monitor if taskbar is 'auto hide'

In oi10 this aligns perfectly.
I have used the new OLE.LayoutChildControl (maybe incorrectly) but was able to alleviate that issue by resetting the Theme (no idea why that worked):
CurrTheme = Get_Property(@Window:".OLE_RIBBON", "OLE.Theme")
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_RIBBON", "OLE.Theme", CurrTheme)
Dont know if that is related or if if that information is helpful/unhelpful....