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For me it seems to be enabled at all times, for favourites or otherwise and regardless of edited status That said, when I inadvertently save a locked record, this popped up.
Disregard. The caveat was the engineServer version.
This seems to work better now. Still some colouring tweaks required as it only seems to colour correctly after a compile. Opening a routine that has a super string throws out the colouring for all lines after the super string. A compile recolours co…
I recall the conversation. I wasn't experiencing the issue at the time, so I just let it slide and thought it had been addressed. I have no reference to the layoutchildcontrol method in the app, so I guess everyone let it slide. :D
I just installed the latest and brought my controls up to date as well. I was using an older version of srpcontrols.ocx. I now have the same symptoms Chris just reported The statusbar is the app's mdi, not the editor. The two may or may not be rel…
If I manually add a utilities.dll that I believe should work, my about details show me this, so, clearly I'm missing something in ten. Where is the editor Version drawn from?
Do you still have the srputilities.dll in your root folder? Mine worked fine for OI9 but when I installed it to an OI10 folder, the utilities dll was deleted but not replaced. For me that means I don't get to test the super string because I fail upo…
That was my thoughts and pretty much my only approach when I get there. That said, he's a long-term user and it's not a new PC, so I'd expect more symptoms more often if it hadn't. I still plan to run it myself for my own peace of mind.
However, but you'll have similar limitations in the header and you will not have the ability to hide it and style a row as an enhanced header. True. Here's a couple of methods I've used to achieve that goal. Just needs a touch of real estate outsid…
Looking at the data, and I may be off base here, but I get the sense that there may not be a need to actually edit this data. Not in this table at least. If that's the case, I'd consider using the reporttable instead of the edittable just for the be…
I don't believe so. It's the same as header rows, so it's text, hyperlink or flashing text. What you would need to do is hide the header column and style the first data column to mimic the desired header column appearance/functionality.
Hhhmmm, the plot thickens. Now that you've given me the lead, I see that it's %AppData%\Roaming\SRP\SRP Editor, so I'll assume that's what you meant. The text in that folder is definitely consistent with what I'm seeing in the Editor. What confuse…
Everything except the auto text settings are in the registry at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SRP\SRPEditor. And may I ask where I would find the auto text? I haven't required the auto text for a while and I went to use it today and my optio…
Even though it’s faster in OI 9, we can do better Love it!
I also wonder if this might be beneficial in both cases SRP FastArray In theory that would enable you to run just one set of code and not an if 9 else scenario
So that would appear to not be the problem, but it may be indicative. If setting the itemlist is fractionally slower in 10 than in 9 yet is still the faster approach in 10, perhaps itemdata is also fractionally slower in 10 and you're seeing a compo…
Ok, 10,000 items is far far more items than I expect to ever have in a tree, so it probably won't affect me. But, you've got me curious... :) I'm still wondering about the actual itemlist call itself though. If you start your benchmark immediately…
Ballpark, how many items in the list before you notice the difference? Is it the set_property itemlist that has the noticeable difference? Or you haven't benchmarked to that level and you're referring to the block of code as a whole?
Oh, I missed an event. Thanks @DonBakke for jumping in front of me.
I'm likely going to do it anyway but if somebody knows that I'd be wasting my time and jumped in front of me to hold me up, I'd be willing to listen. :)
@DonBakke tbh I don't remember. It's been a while since I've played with it. It was just more of a suggestion of what I'd try next, based on the comment that it works most of the time on the same spreadsheet. I interpreted that as it both worked and…
I have been testing with two excel sheets, one 356 and one 18 rows. My program selects and then copies the entire sheet to the clipboard. I can run the program against these 2 sheets successfully most of the time, but sometimes it fails. Neither o…
How much data in the excel are you expecting to be dealing with? Is the current approach selecting the worksheet and copying that to the clipboard, or are you using a more granular approach and specifying particular ranges, for example, a row or an …
How much work would it be to replace the OI table with an SRP one? The additional events are usually what motivate me to put in the effort. Sometimes, it's a complete replace and other times it's a combination of hiding the original OI table and pro…
Delimiters in the key is the problem. At least I think so. I'll know soon