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Why in the following code does Locate set Pos to 1 but SRP_LIst returns 0?
Function Test(Null)
Declare Function SRP_LIST
DataTxt = "":@VM:""
Locate "" In DataTxt Using @Vm Setting Pos Then Null
SRP_Data = SRP_List("Create", DataTxt)
DataTxt = SRP_List("GetVariable", SRP_Data)
Pos = SRP_List("Locate", SRP_Data, "")
Call SRP_List("Release", SRP_Data)
Function Test(Null)
Declare Function SRP_LIST
DataTxt = "":@VM:""
Locate "" In DataTxt Using @Vm Setting Pos Then Null
SRP_Data = SRP_List("Create", DataTxt)
DataTxt = SRP_List("GetVariable", SRP_Data)
Pos = SRP_List("Locate", SRP_Data, "")
Call SRP_List("Release", SRP_Data)
SRP_Data = SRP_List("Create", DataTxt, @VM)
Why in the below code does Locate return 1 but SRP_List return 0? Is it the same issue? How do I pull data from a FastArray and make the below work?
Separate question, while in the debugger, why can I not modify NewData
Function Test(Null)
Declare Function Srp_List, SRP_FastArray
DataTxt = ""
DataTxt<1> = "1"
DataTxt<2,1> = ""
DataTxt<2,2> = ""
DataTxt<3> = "3"
Srp_Fast_Data = SRP_FastArray("Create", DataTxt)
Srp_List_Data = SRP_List("CreateFromFastArray", Srp_Fast_Data, 2, 0)
NewDataTxt = SRP_List("GetVariable", Srp_List_Data, @VM)
Locate "" In NewDataTxt Using @VM Setting Pos Then Null
Pos = SRP_List("Locate", SRP_Data, "")
Call SRP_List("Release", Srp_List_Data)
Call SRP_FastArray("Release", Srp_Fast_Data)
Also a separate question, while in the debugger, why can I not modify NewDataTxt?
I can't really say why you can't edit NewDataTxt.
Thank you.
I might be seeing a slowdown in this version. I was on 2.1.5, could I get a link to this version so I can compare?
uninstallextract the files into an empty folder. From the Application Manager press F12 to bring up the System Monitor. Enter the following:RUN RDKINSTALL "< path to RDK files >"