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NSIS srputil.dll

Is there a Unicode version of this available?


  • edited October 15
    No. That dll is not longer maintained. We created EXEs--SRPInstallRDK.exe and SRPInstallRDK64.exe--instead so we could handle both 32-bit and 64-bit installations. These do support unicode. They take some work to utilize if you're up for it. Our installers create a BAT file on the fly so that we can leverage the DOS 'pushd' and 'popd' commands to handle UNC paths and drive letters better. Here's the code our installers use to decide which EXE to use, which happens during the NSIS InstallLeave event.

    Function InstallLeave IfFileExists $INSTDIR\RevEngineHost.exe InstallLeave64 0 !ifdef RDK_SRC_PATH SetOutPath $WINDIR DetailPrint " " DetailPrint "Installing RDK for OI 9 ..." DetailPrint " " FileOpen $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\rdkinstall.bat" w FileWrite $0 'pushd "$INSTDIR"$\r$\n' ${If} $OI_PASSWORD == "" FileWrite $0 '"$PLUGINSDIR\SRPInstallRdk.exe" -a $OI_APP -u $OI_USERNAME -p $OI_USERNAME "$PLUGINSDIR\SRPRDKINSTALL"$\r$\n' ${Else} FileWrite $0 '"$PLUGINSDIR\SRPInstallRdk.exe" -a $OI_APP -u $OI_USERNAME -p $OI_PASSWORD "$PLUGINSDIR\SRPRDKINSTALL"$\r$\n' ${EndIf} FileWrite $0 'popd' FileClose $0 ReadEnvStr $0 COMSPEC nsExec::ExecToLog '"$0" /c "$PLUGINSDIR\rdkinstall.bat"' Pop $0 Goto InstallLeaveEnd !endif InstallLeave64: SetOutPath $INSTDIR SetOutPath $WINDIR DetailPrint " " DetailPrint "Installing RDK for OI 10 ..." DetailPrint " " FileOpen $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\rdkinstall64.bat" w FileWrite $0 'pushd "$INSTDIR"$\r$\n' ${If} $OI_PASSWORD == "" FileWrite $0 '"$PLUGINSDIR\SRPInstallRdk64.exe" -a $OI_APP -u $OI_USERNAME -p $OI_USERNAME "$PLUGINSDIR\SRPRDKINSTALL64"$\r$\n' ${Else} FileWrite $0 '"$PLUGINSDIR\SRPInstallRdk64.exe" -a $OI_APP -u $OI_USERNAME -p $OI_PASSWORD "$PLUGINSDIR\SRPRDKINSTALL64"$\r$\n' ${EndIf} FileWrite $0 'popd' FileClose $0 ReadEnvStr $0 COMSPEC nsExec::ExecToLog '"$0" /c "$PLUGINSDIR\rdkinstall64.bat"' Pop $0 Pop $0 InstallLeaveEnd: FunctionEnd
  • Kevin,

    Thank you, I think understand that. Let me give it a try.
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