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Internet access
A customer just asked does OI access the internet at all? Defense contractor.
Anyone know the answer to this?
Anyone know the answer to this?
No, I want to know does OI access the internet.
I use Malware bytes Windows Firewall Control. When I first installed it, I let it run for a few days allowing everything to access the internet and it adds rules to automatically allow programs external access. After a few days I set to deny mode and I will get a prompt asking if I want to allow a program access.
I just looked at the firewall rules on my machine and one did exist for OI.
My old NSI setup routine used to do the follwoing, don’t think this has ever been run on my machine but it might have. Note I removed this back in 2022.
; visim jrv 3-31-22
; removed add to firewall
; srputil::addFirewallException /NOUNLOAD "$INSTDIR\oinsight.exe" "$INSTDIR\oinsight.exe"
; srputil::addFirewallException "$INSTDIR\oengine.exe" "$INSTDIR\oengine.exe"
; end visim jrv 3-31-22
Maybe this was the source of this rule if OI does not access the internet.
Thanks for the feedback.