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Data is not displayed
I used SRP EDitTable control version 3.0.9 (build date 10/21/15). The use has to hover the row so that they can see the data. This version has no SRP Controls.ocx.
Please help.
Please help.
Also, make sure you are only using SRPControls.ocx. You cannot use both SRPControls.ocx and SRPEditTable.ocx. That will cause all kinds of problems.
Thanks for your help.
I had 2 SRP.EditTable.1 in the same form and it worked fine with version 2.2.7.
Last week, I wanted to use Version 3 so that I can use the new control that Don developed for us.
1. When I used SRPEditTable.ocx, the data is displayed but the dropdrown had no data.
2. When I used SRPControls.ocx, the dropwdonw has data, but to row data is not displayed.
I send the 2 print screens, SRPEditTable.ocx and SRPControls.ocx
Why does combo drop down behave different with Version 2? How to fix it?
I want to use SRPControls.ocx so I can drap and drop the email. How do we combine EditTable and controls.ocx?
SRPControls.ocx contains all our controls. It has SRP EditTable inside of it. So, with just SRPControls.ocx, you can use SRP EditTable and SRP Tree (for the Outlook drag-n-drop).
I think I need the SRP Tree. Right now Outlook drag-n-drop is not working.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I think you know this, but just to make it clear, the Outlook drag-n-drop is only supported with the SRP Tree control.
So far as emails are concerned, yes the drag-n-drop was to do with attachments.
The thread was initiated by a request from a client to be able to drag images directly from a browser into OI.
I had set up the picture control to enable the drag-n-drop from windows explorer but they found they were sourcing most of the images from the web anyway so why not do so directly? In many cases we were immediately displaying the image but it wasn't the priority, just kind of a bonus. So why the picture control? Because we had already implemented it to provide a drag-n-drop solution and we were only looking at expanding the source location options.
As far as email attachments, that was just an extension of the idea as I considered other applications where I might be able to implement a similar drag-n-drop import solution.
So the overall objective is how do users easily "import" windows files of any sort into an OI application without having to use the choosefile utility and browse to them? Email attachments are a potential source as is the browser or windows explorer.
Here's a more recent example of where I've implemented that kind of solution. This one does not use the auto display. Indeed the picture control at the top of the window that the files are dropped into, doesn't display anything at all. It's just a bucket to catch things or a mailbox if you like. The big square on the right does all the displaying. This enables the user to just select a bunch of files within explorer and drag them into OI. The edittable below the mailbox immediately lists all the files dropped in so the user can add a more informative description than just the filename. As they move through the cells in the edittable the relevant file is displayed on the right so there's no doubt as to which file they are describing.
Of course we don't actually save the file itself within OI but we do copy it to a predefined location and internally record the link.
Does that make more sense of what I'm asking?
I've done something similar to what you have done in your screen shot. However, the drop zone is only visible when the user triggers a desire to add files. I then hide much of the UI controls and display a large SRP Picture control. When the event is done, I hide the SRP Picture control and re-display the normal UI controls.
The point being is that different implementations can require different solutions. I can see the value in your original request but I also see the SRP Tree control being useful more so than others might initially consider.
It's only just been put into production and it's the first question they've asked.
So when's that new tree control coming? :)
Today I have some times to test your suggestion:
1. The data is not displayed in the SRP edittable after I removed SRPEditTable.ocx, and registered SRPUtil.ocx and SRPControls.ocx. Would you tell me what else should I do?
2. I want to drag the attached files (doc, excel, pdf, txt,...) from email. Do you have any document, sample codes?
3. When do you send me the final release?