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Make it look like a single cell edit line

I want an edit line (with the logic available in your EditTable).

Has anyone done this? I obviously need to hide col headings etc, any other suggestions on how to make this look most like an edit line?


  • Yes, I know I've done this and I'm pretty certain others have as well. However, can you clarify exactly what you are hoping to gain by doing this? There might be a better/easier way to get this done. The SRP Subclass control enables edit line controls to have many of the features of the SRP EditTable. In fact, this was done intentionally so that you could add similar functionality to both controls.
  • We need a dropdown (combobox) with a large number of items, filling an regular combobox takes an age, yours is instantaneous.
  • This is a classic solution for the SRP Subclass control. Take a look at the Combo property. Let me know if you have any questions about this.
  • Don, thank you.

    I am going to go play with this right now :)
  • No questions...

    That works absolutely perfectly, thanks Don.
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